Journey With Jai


“Jai was an awesome guide for my cannabis journey. This is a medicine I used regularly in my youth that totally changed for me as I got older. I’d stopped using it because it was no longer a recreational vibe for me but I knew there was still something useful in my experience, just not at a casual social event. With Jai, I was able to sink into the deeper and more profound wisdom of how I now respond to cannabis. I was able to be in the full process of the anxiety that shows up for me, and the body shakes, and embrace them as natural and as a release rather than something weird or bad. I then broke through to some immense body awareness as well as pleasure and joy. Jai intuitively guided me through the experience, knowing just when to talk and what to say, as well as when to simply be present with me. He had an awesome playlist that really complimented the journey. Afterward, we talked and ate chocolate as I shared more details of my thoughts during the journey and I just remember I couldn’t stop laughing! And this was like three hours after I’d imbibed, so I was no longer “influenced”, it was just pure release and lightness of being, along with the pleasure of being with someone who completely accepted me exactly as I am. Simply being witnessed is a powerful tool and Jai is immensely gifted in this area. It was a freeing, open space for me to purely open to what is in the present moment facilitated by the nurturing and empowering influence that Jai offers.”


“My journey was an amazing one! I did an online journey with Jai and it went really well. Jai is kind and gentle and made me feel at ease and comfortable throughout the whole journey. I enjoyed the chakra meditation he took me through. I revisited my chakras while in the journey, and had some great awarenesses. I had moments of great peace and some tears were shed. I would recommend this type of journey to anyone interested, and Jai is your person to journey with. I plan on taking another journey with Jai in the future.”


“Jai was very easy to work with! We did a thorough intake session over zoom, and Jai sent me the intake documents to fill out. These included medical history, history with plant medicine, emergency contact, descriptions of services, what to expect, and what my intentions were for doing a journey with Jai. Jai’s website was very helpful too. We followed up over email and with a phone call to chat about the journey. The journey itself was super helpful and healing for me. The experience was not what I expected at all, but I got exactly what I needed. I had an intense physical/somatic experience with shaking. This was not scary at all. Jai was very supportive through the whole journey. I felt very comfortable and safe, and I got exactly what I was looking for. We followed up a week or so later with an integration session over zoom. We talked about the experience, what I had learned and felt through the experience. I’m glad we did this session to help integrate the experience. Jai has a very calm, gentle demeanor. I felt very safe and supported through the whole process, and I would highly recommend Jai to anyone looking for a guided journey with plant medicine.”


“Jai is a wonderful guide and spiritual support. In a handful of experiences with various medicines, I’ve been fortunate to be supported by their presence and suggestions. Jai provides a solid, secure, reassuring presence that helps one delve deeper into the experience, feeling held and safe to explore realms that might otherwise be inaccessible. Once, during my most difficult and unsettling journey, I felt Jai as a wise sage and instantly regulated despite the chaos of my inner world. They truly have a gift for spiritual guidance! Highly recommended.”


“Jai’s psychedelic experience was one of the most relieving experiences of my life. Jai was extremely helpful, clear, and informative. I felt safe through the entire experience and understood what was going to happen for each step. Pros:Extreme emotional release and relief. Clear communication and expectations.Support beyond the experience itself. Cons:The onboarding information was informative and lengthy, perhaps a little too lengthy, but good for those who enjoy copious amounts of information. Details: Jai was so easy to work with and the entire experience was one of the best of my life. The experience I had with Jai was threefold: a pre-meeting where he led me through the process step by step. He explained exactly what was going to happen with the rationale behind it. I felt comfortable asking him any and all questions. Jai was always very understanding and knowledgeable. Jai usually works out of a room in your home with the intention of a setting where you feel most at ease. Jai was flexible and instead, met me at another home. This mini vacation allowed me to relax more and Jai was very understanding. During the experience Jai led me through my thoughts and emotions through use of chakras, cardinal directions, and the elements. I am not familiar with any/ all of those metaphysical understandings, but Jai explained them all very clearly. I was able to use those as a launching place to access my emotions on a level much much deeper than I had ever experienced before. To round out the experience, a few days after the experience, Jai and I worked through an integration session in which he and I developed plans and ideas for where to go from there regarding what was shared. All around, it was an extremely meaningful experience. I would highly encourage anyone who: 1) has a heart and brain and 2) is comfortable with mind enhancing substances.”


Jai facilitates a safe, calm, healing environment for journey work. But beyond those initial and essential conditions, he also expresses and allows for deep connection within yourself for spiritual modes of being. His connection with spirits of nature embodied carry into your own, and his rhythms guide you on a journey meant for you. Jai provides the wisdom, experience, and heart to know how to best be there for you in any way you might need or desire. He has a deep wisdom for the medicines he engages with and for how they affect people. Jai’s intuitive understanding of healing and journeying is truly remarkable; and anyone who is in the least bit intrigued by the potential of the experience of journeying could not ask for a better guide than Jai (particularly for queer and trans people).
